Already mid transfers. Things have been going pretty well. The baptism that we were going to have this weekend didn't happen. Her mom didn't think that she was ready. That’s okay. She still wants to meet with us every week until she can in July. I think it would be awesome to be here for that. It seems far away but actually it’s really not. She has a strong testimony of the gospel, so everything will work out. Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.
This past week Elder Wall and I had a cool experience. We went to go visit a referral that the Zone Leaders gave us. We saw a guy walking away from the building just about the time we were going in. Nobody was home so we headed back to the car just planning on dropping by another time. As we were about to get into the car we both felt a strong impression to talk to that man that we first saw. The words "You need to go talk to that man," kept coming so we did and it was the guy we were looking for. It is so cool how the spirit can work through people to further the gospel.
We also did something this past week that I have never done before. We took one of our investigators on a church tour. It was awesome! He is a stay at home dad and ever since he moved to Colorado they haven't found a church to go to. We showed him around the building and he had a lot of questions. For him it is going to be a slow process, but once he figures things out, his family will go with him.
The rest of last week went pretty much like normal. This week I have to go on a couple exchanges with the other elders in our district which is always fun and you learn a ton. Thanks also for the pictures and feel free to keep sending some. I will probably send another box home soon. We will see. For Easter we don't have any plans as of now. Hopefully we will get invited to some dinners. Just what I need, more food. As far as gaining weight, I'm only around 155lbs. but my legs have gotten big from biking for 18 months.
Elder Cooper